Adult Bible School

Fairmount has an array of Sunday morning Bible School classes for you to explore and help you make meaningful connections.

We encourage you to visit as many classes as you desire to explore each one’s style, make-up of adults, and the way it conducts its time of study, fellowship, and prayer.

9:30am Classes

U & I
Room 130
Teacher: Shawn Sears

The U&I class studies lessons directly from the Old and New Testament. Each class begins with a hymn, a time of sharing, prayer, and a review of those who have fallen ill and those in need. The lesson follows with abundant participation of class discussion. Our class is very diverse in age from the forties to nineties. Our goal is to apply Christian Living to everyday life in the manner that Jesus taught us. Our class motto is 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” KJV

Bill Farmer Bible Class
Room 132
Teacher: Diane Ware

The Bill Farmer Bible Class delves into a book of Bible so make sure you bring your Bible. Class time begins with the singing of a hymn, prayer, and sharing of joys and concerns, followed by a lesson and discussion. The Bill Farmer Bible Class has been meeting since 1941 and was previously known as the Martin-Dabney Class. We are a caring, mission-minded group of mature Christians serving God locally, domestically, and internationally. Our class is made up of children of the Silent Generation with some Baby Boomers and Generation X’ers mixed in.

Christian Homemakers
Music Suite
Teacher: Felix Cross

The Christian Homemakers Class studies the Bible one book at a time. This gives us a more rounded description on the meanings of scripture than a pick and choose, one scripture at a time method. We approach each book historically, scripturally, and spiritually, going through each verse and chapter to gather the whole meaning of God’s Word. We look forward to having you visit our class and hope you’ll consider being part of our growing group of committed followers of Christ.

Friends in Christ
Activity Center
Teacher: Ken Powell

The Friends Class has a diverse age group, from early twenties to early eighties and our curriculum is as diverse as our ages. We strive to take the Biblical teachings and put them into everyday life as we discuss the topics and grow together, loving God and each other.

Salt & Light
Teacher: Johnny Scott

The Salt & Light class provides in-depth study in each book of the Bible. Each lesson breaks down chapters verse-by-verse within the historical context in which it was written.

Room 152
Teacher: Ryan Nelson

Seeking to develop bonds and discuss issues that are relative to today’s culture and challenges, the Alive class utilizes Bible-centered lessons blended with topical discussions in all subjects. Class members commit to support and encourage each other through prayer, gatherings, and locally planned trips; and the community through volunteer projects and other services. Please come join us as we unleash the Holy Spirit to make us ALIVE in Him.

Conversational Sign Language
Room 114
Teacher: Christy Conquy

98% of deaf people in the United States and Canada have never experienced the gospel message. With that in mind, a new focus for Fairmount will be a ministry to reach those who are deaf in our local area. Would you like to be able to greet our deaf friends and have a conversation as they arrive at the door? We offer a sign language class to any individual who is 14 years or older in order to provide the tools to communicate with those who are deaf. The class will focus on vocabulary and sentences, as well as some cultural lessons for the deaf community.

Fearless Women’s Study
Room 123
Contact: Tobie Stanley ( for info

The mission of Fearless is to bring women of all ages together that thirst to know Christ more and love each other well.

11:00am Classes

The Walk
Music Suite
Teacher: Ray Butler

The Walk Class is composed of people who are striving to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Our goal is to be walking closer with God each day and to respond as He would desire us to respond. Lessons cover a variety of topics and books of the Bible. We enjoy our times together and invite you to join us.

Fearless Women’s Study
Room 123
Contact: Tobie Stanley ( for info

The mission of Fearless is to bring women of all ages together that thirst to know Christ more and love each other well.

Real Life Connections
Teacher: Gary Retone

RLC is a prayer-based class that shares the victories and struggles of “real life” with each other. Prayer time is a large focus of our class and allows individuals to be involved with, and pray for each other. Our studies vary from following the Fairmount sermon series, to authored books, to books of the Bible, and anything in between, with lots of class discussion. We enjoy meeting in a circle to encourage participation and fellowship. All ages are welcome.

Reflections of Him
Room 132
Teacher: Frank Saunders

The ROH class chooses a single book of the Bible and studies it in-depth with leader, Frank Saunders. We open with fellowship, announcements, and prayer time followed by the lesson. Our class is very diverse with ages ranging from 20 to those in their 90’s, all of whom are at different places in their spiritual walk. The class supports each other with prayer during the week and practical support when needed. We are very open to any new faces and would love to have you join us.